Here are many simple online jobs for students & that too without investment where they can earn good money in their free time. If you are an student and looking for simple online jobs then this article will guide you how to work on many different programs.
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Although there are many programs but we will discuss about only those opportunities which is best suitable for students so that you can focus more on your studies.
Here you can find top 5 online jobs for students with relevant links for more information so that you can decide how exactly you can earn some extra income.
Online Jobs with mTurk
Its one of the best & simple online job for student who are not looking for big earnings. Started by Amazon, this one has been proved as one of the simple online opportunity where a person can easily earn INR 10000 to INR 20000 per month if you work at least 2 hrs a day.
Concept of mTurk is really simple. At any point, you will find thousands of different simple tasks on mTurk. Just signup mTurk & then you are free to choose any task & as many task as you want. Then complete your chosen tasks and earn from all successfully completed tasks. Check this article for more details on mTurk.
Earn from Fiverr Jobs
Fiverr is one of most successful programs in 2011 & its continuously growing in 2012. People are making money like anything on Fiverr. But as you are a student, don’t aim for high. I will advise you to work not more than 2 hrs on Fiverr. Even in 2 hrs, there is a potential of making more than 15,000 per month on Fiverr.
And yes, Fiverr is nothing like you will find the work & start earnings. Its something like you have to list on Fiverr that what you can do online for $5. People check your listing & if they like what you can serve, then there is a good chance, they will order your services. For each order, you will make $4.
It does not take more than 30 minutes to complete 1 order. So even if you complete 2 orders daily, you will make more than 12000 from this online job. Get more info here.
Online Jobs with PTC Sites & Survey
This one is damn easy but at the same time very low paying online job. What you have to do is create account on all these PTC (paid to click) sites & survey sites. Then login to these sites & click on the ads & view for few seconds to earn money.
Although if you search on internet, you will find thousands of PTC sites & survey sites that will popup in search results but 99% of them are fake. We have tested many of the sites & found some genuine one which we can share with you.
Online Jobs with AdSense
This is particularly for those student who are studying technical subjects. AdSense is one of the most used program on internet to make money. This online job from Google is very simple. All you need is a simple blog with good contents.
If you search on internet, you will find many students from different backgrounds like engineering, Science, Commerce etc are very successful in AdSense. Refer this article for more info..
Becoming an Insurance Agent
This is one of the hottest business in the world. Although its difficult to get a policy but every policy can give you lifelong income. Everyone needs insurance & only thing you need here to convince your clients is explain them about the needs.
Here is one of the good article on how to become an insurance agent where you can know things like what eligibility you need, how much you can earn & how you can promote this online to grow your insurance agent job.
And yes, one most important thing is that, never think of making money from the first day. Work on one program at one time. Give your first few days for learning these online jobs & once you understand the concept, you can start earning on these programs. And yes, if you are an student, you are highly recommended to concentrate more on studies & not on these online jobs.
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